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WELCA is the women’s ministry organization

of Joy Lutheran Church

Next meeting is Sunday, October 20th following Worship


2nd Tuesday of the month at 1:30pm

WELCA Bible Study

August 16th at 6:30pm

Gather Bible Study, all are welcome. 

Check calendar for location details for each study.

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Lefse sign-up is available in the narthex. Lefse is a staple of our church bazaar!


Many hands make light work and there are several tasks for you to assist with in September, so please consider signing up.


You can also contribute baked goods, homemade jams, jellies, pickles, garden produce, needlework, or sewing projects. 


We are also looking for vintage items. If you happen to have something, please let Sarah Campbell know so she can track where items came from in case it doesn't sell. 


This event supports WELCA ministries like local and national Lutheran organizations and education awareness to use in our church and communities, Luther Point Camperships, missionary sponsorship, meals for funerals at our church, activities at local town celebrations, quilting ministry and more! 

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